Paula Closson Buck has a new short story collection, The Dalai Lama’s Smile, which will be released by Acre Books in April 2025. Her novel Summer on the Cold War Planet was published by Fomite Press in 2015. Closson Buck is also the author of three books of poetry from Louisiana State University Press, most recently You Cannot Shoot a Poem (2018). She has been the recipient of grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, as well as a Fulbright grant that funded a collaboration with two Cypriot visual artists in 2014. In addition to teaching at Bucknell University as professor of Creative Writing, for eleven years she edited West Branch, the nationally distributed literary magazine published out of Bucknell’s Stadler Center for Poetry. She now divides her time between Lewisburg, PA and the Pelion peninsula in Greece.
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Photo credit Lefteris Plavos